We Made It!! | Moving Aboard Our New Sailboat Home
It has been a while since I have even thought about writing anything on here, but for good reason I think! Right now I am sitting on my new lounge (or settee I should probably call it!) thinking about the past weeks and all the planning it took to get here. Guys…. we actually made it!!
The month of March just feels like a complete blur.
It was the last month of work for both of us. We said our goodbyes, finished up with our jobs, all in a month of madness while trying to sell our things, clean and move out of our apartment.

Having lived there for over 4 years we had accumulated much more than we thought! Even though our apartment came furnished, between TVs, bikes and random bits, we still managed to sell quite a bit to put towards our boat kitty.
Mind you, it was like having a full time job trying to manage all the ads on Facebook marketplace and Gumtree.

With most of our belongings packed into my little car, it was the beginning of a very long drive 11 hours down the coast.

The original plan was to break up the drive over a couple of days… Especially considering I was pretzeled between containers and eskys in the front seat!
If any of you know Nathan though, it was just too tempting to carry on.

Fast forward 12 hours later. Two VERY tired kids pulled into our hotel for the night where we could rest up for our big day moving on board… OMG!!!
My car was a cross between something you would find in a circus and Mary Poppins’ bottomless bag.
I mean, it looked super full. You just don’t quite realise how much stuff you had jammed in until it comes to unloading it all. What we thought was going to be an all day affair turned out to be relatively pain free process. It only took two very full boat trips out to our mooring and that was it.
I say “that was it”, but don’t mistake that for a stress free, fun-filled moving day.
I won’t go into the part where I left Nathan on the boat to bring the car around closer… The outboard not starting, getting lost trying to find groceries, a very long walk in the rain alone with said groceries and a wet ferry trip back to the bay where the boat was moored.
Nevertheless, this isn’t just a visit….
All our belongings are on board so I guess we actually live here now!!!
Let project Sea Gypsy begin!

How could I forget the most important part!!
Not the actual moving on board, but the fact our boat was still there! And floating! It was such a relief to see her swinging off the mooring just as we left her.

Now the real fun begins (once we pack away all our stuff that is!) There is a fair bit of work to do but it doesn’t seem like the worst place to start this adventure.
We have casually slipped into the routine of life on the water, each of us taking on our own roles and responsibilities. It is amazing how quickly you can adapt to a completely different lifestyle.
We have already had a taste of the slow pace of boat jobs. Everything really does take at least 10 times longer than it should! Guess it is a good thing we don’t have anywhere else to be just yet. I just need to make sure we keep the wine stores full to pair with views like this!

Stay tuned for a whole heap of boat work, plenty of mishaps and hopefully some glorious salty Pittwater days.

Until next time.

One Comment
Dawn & David Kalbrunner
Lovely to hear you are safely aboard and floating happily. We miss you here in P/S. Dawn & Davidxx