Who Let the Pirates Out?! | Northbound 2.0
Can you smell it?? The oh so sweet smell of freedom with just a hint of no marina fees. Ahhhh. Breathe it in baby because we are on our way! Voyage 2.0 begins.…
Preparation for a Pandemic Passage | Can We Leave Yet???
Ahoy, Captain Cornflake here. And yes, you better believe it, we’re back!! Wow. What a summer. A lot of work and family time whilst the old girl sat in Rosslyn Bay. Put your…
A Little Reflection & A Whole Lot of Gratitude | 2019
Looking back, our first sailing season seemed a little short lived. Everything happened so fast as we learnt how to keep our home afloat! But we made it!! 2019. WHAT A YEAR. But…
A Fiesta of Frolicking, Fish, Feasts & Fun! | The Magic of Percy Island
Here we are, right where you left us. Sitting nearly 70NM SE of Mackay in the Percy Isles. Really not a bad place to be. Time to leave South Island and go and…
A Little Bit of Hexham in My Life, A Little Bit of Percy By My Side | Let’s Go Sailing!
After a week of waiting for wind in Island Head Creek, two very well-fed sailors were itching to head off. We sat tight for a big southerly blow then took our chances on…
Catch n’ Cook At Island Head Creek | One Fish, Two Fish, Three Fish, MORE!
Casting away from the dock at Rosslyn Bay knowing it was just the two of us for a while was such a mix of emotions. The voyage north continues. Just us and our…
Tropical Vibes, Sailing Expeditions & A Not So Shy Beach Goer | Who Said Island Life Was Boring??
Ahh welcome back to another week in the Keppel Islands! As we settle into week number 2, we weather out a bit of a blow at Leeks beach. After the winds settled, we…
Ode to the Letter “S” On Great Keppel Island | Australian Winter, Island Style
It has been wayyyy too long since I have updated ya’ll on our whereabouts but it turns out offshore islands don’t host the best internet or phone reception… -who would’ve guessed?? SO, let’s…
A Bit of Wind, 4 Sailors & The Tale of a Master Blaster | Bundaberg to the Keppel Islands
Despite expectations, Bundaberg (or Burnett Heads) gave us some much needed chill time, some great seafood and a terrifying stand off with a big ol’ Kangaroo. Weary eyed from the long day prior,…
Assembly of a Crusty Crew|The Search for Warmer Waters Begins
Made it to Mooloolaba. Check. Topped up the cruising kitty. Check. Collected 2 new crew members. Check. After what seemed like forever, the good ship Merrion was finally ready to depart north with…